Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cannibal TV

I'm addicted to watching House, MD. Do I know why I'm addicted to House, MD? I know I like the idea of a crude asshole in the role of protagonist. I know I like Brian Singer's directing, and I like to see things like eyeballs and testicles and Cuddy's cleavage exploding. But is there another reason? Could it be that my subconscious mind believes it is real? Do I really think Dr. Cuddy can pole dance? Should House perform the risky diagnostic procedure that could potentially kill the patient??
When we glue our eyes to the idiot box for any longer than thirty seconds, the left side of our brains, responsible for critical analysis and logic, relinquish power to the right side. The creative and chaotic right side of our brains does not use critical thinking to judge its input, but instead relies upon emotion. The longer you watch, the bright calming light of the cathode ray tube lulls your nervous system to sleep, pulsing alpha waves through your dreaming but awake mind. Your noodle floods with endorphins, a heroin like sedative. The longer you watch, the more mesmerized the subconscious becomes, having no defense against the visual imagery, until the violin soundtrack comes on during the sad part, and your brain wrings a tear from your eye.

Because House, MD is ultimately a sad show.

No... The truth is because the light of the cathode ray tube tricks your mind into thinking it is staring at a blank white wall. After so long of staring at such brightness, the mind interprets it as sleep/coma/paralysis and begins to ready your mind for the dreaming state. And in the dream state, there is no objective reality, no truth other than visual and aural information. Any story can be sold... So, the question I ask myself, if this can be accomplished with cable tv, then why not art... Is it possible to paint something more luminous than a cathode screen, but still retain the art of storytelling?

I am trying.
Kill your tv. Watch online, there's no commercials.

1 comment:

  1. there is a solution to your addiction.just don't get a converter box.I didn't bother.I have also never seen this housemd show you are speaking of,but I am now intrigued.hmmmm?love the painting by the way,has a kinda santeria/day of the dead kind'a feel.very nice.
